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Septic System Permit

In this article, we will go through the basic steps to get a septic approval or permit from the “Local Authority”, typically an agency at the State or County level here in the USA.

The guidelines and regulations for handling human wastewater start at the top: The EPA – Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA is a US Federal Government Agency that helps the individual State and Local Government Agencies and Water Control Boards provide oversight for the review and approval of WasteWater treatment.

On-site wastewater treatment systems must be designed, constructed and installed to meet specifications that will ensure long term system performance and protect public health. Once all the documentation is in order, the application can be put in line for septic approval.

Septic System Permit
Approved Permit

Where do I get a Septic System Permit ?

To get a system of your own, be aware that most States regulate wastewater treatment and handling with oversight by a Waste Water Board. You will need to call them or visit their website to reach your Local Authority to complete an online application (if available), or obtain their hardcopy application to seek a septic approval. Keep reading, there is a link to a State resources list here on this site to start your search for Septic Approval in your State.

The State or Local Authority is typically the State or County Health Department. A permit is required to allow the installation of a new septic system on your property. Permits are also required for repairs to an existing septic system. Be sure to check the local health department septic records for any previous installations on the property.

The Local Authority has an application process, which requires the septic system design documentation for the Water Board to review, and if everything is in order, the permit is granted.

Professionals that work with septic systems are required to register with the State Wastewater Board, and that includes service companies like Septic Pumpers and Septic Installers. The Board allows certain types of Engineers to work on Septic designs. The Board may also maintain a list of approved manufacturers for the various types of Septic System components including the septic storage and distribution components like the Septic Tank, Septic Distribution Boxes, and perforated components like Septic Domes, Leach pits, etc.

Where do I apply for a septic system in my state?

Here’s one way to find the Local Authority over Residential Septic systems for a random state: ‘(Tip: Try your local Health Department first)…

Here’s the top-down approach using the local territory list from the EPA – Environmental Protection Agency Click on the name of a State (Iowa) and there are a couple of links for Iowa State Agencies. With the time invested in playing the Regulatory Alphabet Soup Game, the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) sounded like a winner, so I picked that link.

On the Iowa DNR site, like many other sites you will see – there is an abundance of information, because their intent is to serve all. Oh look, wildflowers… Since we are looking for something specific, just mouse over the page headers until you see a Water Quality or Residential Septic topic. In this case, Environmental Protection is the heading that has a list of 28 links, and Water Quality is the one we need. That takes us to a page that has navigation down the left side and a couple of clicks there, we have a link that I would recommend to save anyone in Iowa some time on their research.

Check the bottom of the page below and on the Private Septic Systems page there is a 25 page pdf titled Residential On-Site Wastewater Treatment Handbook that would be an asset for anyone planning to have a septic system installed in Iowa.

On page three, it says contact the Local Health or Environmental Department for a permit prior to installation.

Why? There is typically a penalty for illegal septic system so it is always best to avoid the inconvenience and make sure the installation meets the requirements. BYW, your well may be the closest one to your septic system. Think about it.

Also at the bottom of the page is a Google Sheet with a list of Environmentalist by the county they are assigned to. That should get the ball rolling…

For a Septic Approval in Iowa, start here: Private Septic Systems (iowadnr.gov)

Can you recognize your state’s regulatory acronyoms ?

The State abbreviation letters have been omitted, but the most common organizational names are grouped by similarity in the hidden table below.

Regulatory Alphabet Soup Game

Environmental Protection Agency

Environmental Department

Environmental Health

Department Of Health

Department of Health and Human Services

Department of Health and Senior Services

Department of Public Health

Department of Health, Environment

Department of Public Health Environment

State Department of Health

Department of Environmental Conservation

Department of Environmental Quality

Department of Environmental Safety

Department of Health and Environment

Department of Health and Environmental Control

Department Of Environment

State Office of Environmental Health

Division Of Water

Division of Water Quality

Department of Natural Resources

Water and Sewer Authority

Bureau of Environmental Protection

Commission on Environmental Quality

Department of Environmental Protection

Cabinet for Health and Family Services

Pollution Control Authority

Department of Natural Resources

Department of Environment and Natural Resources

State Department of Professional Services

my septic system permit

If you need help with the septic system permit process, click the button and fill out the form to get in touch with a Local Septic Pro in your area that will be glad to help.